to be updated ...
µwiki is derived from the almawiki project and has no other object than to go down the most elementary level in the wiki concept. It contains (at the start) this home page ("accueil" in fench) and a sandbox, and is limited to these two following functions (you can access by flying over the four red points of the title) :
- « editer... », (to edit) allowing to edit the current page,
- « index », displaying a listing of the wiki's pages from which each page's history can be recovered in order to regenerate it if necessary.
Editing a page is based on the (X)HTML and CSS syntaxes, with the only one really indispensable wiki's short cut, this one which allows creating and giving a link to a page inside the wiki. In order to create a new page, edit the current page, write its name anywhere (for instance : « new page ») boxed insert two couple of open and closing brackets, and validate to close editing. This link : new page is displayed in gray color if the page doesn't yet exist, in red color otherwise. In the first case, a click on the link open the text editor on the new page containing nothing but this text « Page vide », (empty page). Write : « Hello World » and validate with the "valider" button. The new page is created and coming back to the previous page shows the link to the new page in red color. If instead of validating, you choose to preview with the "visualiser" button, no addition is made in the page's history directory ; that may be useful during the testing cycle. The "annuler" button cancels the editing process. Changing the title of the µwiki and translating in another language the strings actually written in french can easily be done in the index.php file's code.
Some more help can be found in other pages (installer, retrouver, thèmes, ...), but in french until now. Sorry.
Welcome in the µwiki's nice world. It's then up to you : with a little knowledge of HTML syntax and a little bit of CSS you will be able to write some text, to give it some style and structure, insert pictures, sounds, and create a tree of linked pages, inside the wiki and outside in the web, from the most simple to the most sophisticated organization.
µwiki is given under the GPL licence. You can download the µwiki's archive (up to 50kb) for free, and do whatever you want with it in the respect of this licence.